Couldn't find a better time to post this up. The day just before Good Friday....
It was an early Easter for IKUPM this year. And for the first time (well, first time as far as I know of) we had a musical! I took 2 days off work to attend this musical back in UPM soil on the the 6th of April. Wednesday nights are synonymous to IKUPM members.
And the best part about it was.... IKUPM got an approval to get Panggung Percubaan UPM for our venue. Praise God for His favour! I'm sure the committee members must have prayed very hard and stepped out in faith. Peter told me, they already proceeded with the flyers without even confirming the booking of the hall! That was the reason why there were so many flyers/posters design as they keep on updating it from time to time. Their faith and passion got rewarded with a overwhelming response. I'm not sure how many people can the Panggung Percubaan can fill, but perhaps near 1k?

We were blessed to have
Juwita Suwito as our guest performer of the night. Besides belting a few songs as an opening act, she also collaborated in one of the scenes of the sketch/musical. Besides that, our guest speaker was
Andy Yeoh from
Acts Church. He was the one behind pioneering the
Recess Revolution Movement. He was a down to earth speaker and could relate with the crowd well. Normally people will just walk off during the message session but I noticed almost everyone stayed on. Well, I was so glad that at least hundreds more people got an understanding that Easter is
NOT about rabbits or colourful eggs but its about the
death of Jesus Christ on the cross on Good Friday.
But the story doesn't end there. He rose up and ascended to heaven on the 3rd day thus its called
Easter Sunday. Easter is about
redemption and second chance, in other words
victory over sin and death! =D

Before the message was illustrated to the audience, the night kicked off with a short but good time of praise and worship. I didn't expect to see so many quiet juniors before I left has now taken up responsibilities, namely Daniel on drums, Deenie on the keys, Jason and Eliza on vocals. They sang "Your Grace is Enough", which is one my fave songs.
Musical is never complete without dancing, on top of vocals. The costume were simple but yet projected a myriad of colours in every dance scene. I didn't know some people I met during uni days could dance so well. =)
A scene from "Could It Be Love?" sketch. A very cliche storyline but moving and touching too. Revolves around a broken family whereby one of the siblings lived in bitterness and resentfulness prior to a childhood and upbringing without much care and affection. Two of the female leads in the musical. Joyce Tang playing "Jane" and Bee Koon playing.... erm "mom"??Bee Koon did a very good job in portraying a defensive single parent protecting her kids, really can see her put her heart and soul in the character. Joyce, the musical director for this musical, played a quiet and fragile character, caught the crowd's attention, when she belted "Only Hope", a song made popular by Mandy Moore from the movie A Walk To Remember.

The male leads.... Peter portraying an elder bro who cares for his family and Andy playing his violent character, the black sheep of the family. John 15v13: Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his the theme for the whole musical, until its climatic ending, whereby the elder bro took blame for a murder which his younger brother was supposed to be convicted with. Similarly, the plot was to make us ponder back Jesus took the blame for our sins, to die in a humiliating manner so that we may have a second chance in life.
One more shot of Peter and her "gf" in the musical, Kelly, played by Stella. This is one of the most amusing scene. Perhaps I know Peter well as a buaya. I think he do not need to refer to the script for this scene. Sweet words can easily come out as it is in his blood. How I wish I'm 2-3 years younger, then I will be the one playing his character in this scene. And I'm confident I can do better. =D
After the climatic scene , the gals presented a mime to the song "At The Cross". Phew, thankfully its not "We Were The Reason" again, which I felt its an overused song, though very meaningful song with a emo-ish melody. I'm now waiting for any of my friends who recorded this video to send to me so that I can learn it up and bring it back to my hometown church. At the end of the musical, Andy and Joyce belted a duet with a self titled theme song.
It was indeed a good gathering to meetup with old IKUPMers. This is a group photo of the Engineering Cell Croup from my year up to the latest intakes which I haven't meet them before. So it was worth my 2 days off work since I can't attend the IK Annual Dinner (again!) because my company annual dinner clashes with it!
Not to forget a chance to meetup with my juniors, 2 years younger. A fun and happening batch. Similar to mine. Normally for my course, the intakes will have a proven pattern: studious, happening, studious, happening, and the cycle goes on! I'm indirectly saying, my batch is the fun and happening one too, and im one big contributor to it! rawrssss! Just got to know that Ying Huey was in the dance team too. Great job!
And I have an enjoyable night. I'm sure all of you deserve a pat on the shoulder for all the effort put in. Be it the ones on the forefront till the backstage crew and ushers, you have done a good job. And now, don't stop just yet as followup-ing on new members and those interested to know more after discovering the real reason behind Easter is about Jesus's death and resurrection on the cross is indeed crucial. Keep the faith and I'm sure IKUPM will grow from strength to strength!